
Wonder Woman, Volume 1 by Brian Azzarello
Wonder Woman, Volume 1 by Brian Azzarello

Wonder Woman, Volume 1 by Brian Azzarello

Wonder Woman returns to Paradise Island to make amends with her mother. Hera visits Paradise Island to take revenge against Hippolyta for the affair. Zola makes Wonder Woman realize how important her home was to her, and that she is now more connected to her sisters than ever before. Strife tries to make friends with the group, although Wonder Woman is angered when Strife suggests terminating Zola's pregnancy. Wonder Woman goes dancing at a nightclub in London with Hermes and Zola to forget her troubles. Wonder Woman declares that she is leaving Paradise Island, never to return. Wonder Woman is heartbroken by this, especially because children used to tease her by calling her "Clay." Aleka announces that Wonder Woman has brought shame to their island by leading Strife there, and Wonder Woman punches her out. Hera would attempt to destroy Diana if she learned that Diana was the daughter of Zeus. Hippolyta confesses that she had a passionate affair with Zeus, and lied about it to protect Diana. Wonder Woman uses the Lasso of Truth on Strife, and Strife addresses Wonder Woman as her sister. The island is attacked by Strife, who tricks many of the Amazons into slaughtering each other. Wonder Woman proves she is still capable by defeating her old sparring partner Aleka. Hermes tells Zola the story of Wonder Woman's birth, how Diana was sculpted out of clay by Hippolyta and given life by the gods with no male seed. Wonder Woman takes Hermes and Zola to Paradise Island, where she reunites with her mother Hippolyta. Hera's daughter Strife decides to help her mother. They also predict that a child of Zeus will kill another child of Zeus to usurp the other's power. They tell him that Zeus is leading the Gods of Olympus down a dangerous path where they will be violently conquered. In Singapore, Apollo turns several women into makeshift oracles. Wonder Woman is tasked with protecting Zola against the wrath of Hera. Hermes is wounded, but he explains that Zola is pregnant with a child of Zeus. The key brings Zola to Wonder Woman, who returns with her and defeats the centaurs.

Wonder Woman, Volume 1 by Brian Azzarello

They are attacked by centaurs, and Hermes gives Zola a key that teleports her to London. Hermes visits a farm girl in Virginia named Zola and warns her of great danger.

Wonder Woman, Volume 1 by Brian Azzarello